Notices and occurrences:

today nothing to remember

disco tra fanti e santi

Tra Fanti e Santi

(Between infantrymen and saints)

Between infantrymen ... and saints. A double collection of 20 pieces each with their own individuality, stylistic and interpretative taste, their musical language that express the path and the research that Corocastel, 50 years from birth, wants to show and offer to its audience. A chorus born of the need, perhaps, to sing the "popular in polyphonic form"; identifying, in it, the simplest way to join the voices of a group of friends making music. Today the coneglianese choir, is with a new look and wants to demonstrate with this CD box, sings the great classics (Hassler, Mendelsshon, Duruflè, etc.) but remains true to his style of origin with Monte Nero, Sui Monti Scarpazi or with other songs of popular inspiration, because; Corocastel loves beautiful things, loves challenge and research ...

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Music drives away hatred from those who are without love. It gives peace to those who are in turmoil, consoles those who cry.

- Pablo Casals -

The Corocastel

Men's choir with fifty years of history, hundreds of concerts in many countries of Europe and South America. Today it is known and appreciated for its vocality, its expressive ability, its musicality, but also its warmth and spontaneity, such as to involve the public with intense and vibrant emotions ...

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il corocastel
direttore giorgio susana

The Conductor

Pianist and composer, graduated in Piano and Choral Music and Choir Conducting, he obtained the Second Level Diploma and the teaching qualification, in Didactics of Music. Eclectic musician, he is the author and arranger of a lot of choral music, from chamber and symphony, of Oratories and musical tales ...

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The Golden Castle

The recognition assigned to those who have made Italian chorus grow.

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Copyright 2016 - Created by Giacomo Pol