For over fifty years the Corocastel has lived its singing adventure, which began in a timid manner in 1966. The songs of the oral tradition have been and still remain at the center of the interest and research of the Conegliano choir. Concerts and exhibitions (in Italy, Germany, France, Croatia, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Brazil, Czech Rep.), Recordings, videos, DVDs, etc. have studded the artistic life of the Choir, making it known and appreciated for the vocality, the expressive ability, the musicality, but also the warmth and spontaneity, such as to engage the public with intense and vibrant emotions.
Today the choir's repertoire ranges from folk and secular music, to sacred, pop and light music.
There are numerous prestigious placings obtained in national and international competitions obtained in 50 years of choral activity. With Maestro Susana the Choir has obtained the following prizes and awards:
· 2nd place in the National Choral Competition for Male Choirs (single category) - Brentonico (TN) 2008;
· Golden Band Diploma at the International Choral Competition (Popular category with peer entries) - Riva del Garda (TN) 2012;
· 1st place in the National Competition "Trophies of Victory" (Male Choir category) - Vittorio Veneto (2012);
· Range of excellence and 1st place at the Festival of Coralità Veneta - Venice, 2014;
· 1st place in the "Canticum Cordis" National Choir Competition (Sacred Polyphony) - Veruno (NO) 2017;
· 2nd place in the "Canticum Cordis" Choral National Competition (Popular category) - Veruno (NO) 2017;
· 3rd place in the National Choral Competition for Male Choirs "L. Pigarelli"(single cat.) - Arco (TN) 2017;
· Special mention to Conductor G. Susana as "Conductor with particular interpretative skills" - National Competition Vittorio Veneto, 2012
· Special mention for the best interpretation of a popular song - Festival della Coralità Veneta, 2014;
· Special mention as best Conductor at the National Competition of Veruno, 2017;
· Special mention for the best performance of a song of sacred music - National Competition of Veruno, 2017;
· Special mention for the best interpretation of a song by A. Mascagni - National Competition of Arco, 2017.
The prestigious Golden Castle award is a prestigious recognition that Corocastel assigns to those personalities who have contributed most to the diffusion and growth of choral music, a particular feature of the popular song in its choral expression.
Often, another reason for pride, Corocastel in its concerts relies on the collaboration of musicians and singers such as: the guitarist Denis Biason, the tenor Michele Manfrè, the contraltoist Matteo Gobbo, the voice of Elvira Cadorin, the young pop singer Enrico Nadai and also collaborations with various instrumental ensembles ...
In recent years with Maestro Susana, the Choir has participated in many prestigious singing and artistic events, including the collaboration with Artematica on the occasion of the Cima da Conegliano Exhibition, the contribution as a chorus workshop to events organized by ASAC (in December 2016 was choir workshop for the Academy for Choir conductors "PG Righele" in the popular singing Masterclass held by m° Lanaro), the presence in musicals, speakers, and works for soloists, chorus and orchestra that have aroused wide and flattering consensus (Francis of Assisi, have wings to fly, Bianca of Collalto). Also worthy of mention is the intervention of the Choir at the music-theater show Conflitto e castigo (2005-2006), for the direction and direction of M. Mune, with the extraordinary participation of Milena Vukotich, Paola Gasmann and Ugo Pagliai.
In 2013, with the youth choir Vogliam Cantare of Trento has realized a project on the English Carols of the composer John Rutter, a project that will be replicated on the occasion of next Christmas.
In 2014 he organized a Workshop, which saw him starring, with Philip Lawson, arranger and former member of the English vocal sextet King's Singers.
In 2016, on the occasion of its fiftieth from the foundation, Corocastel has made his latest album entitled Tra fanti e santi: a significant collection of sacred and secular music, madrigals, popular songs, original songs also dedicated to Corocastel from some illustrious composer. A goal that represents the fulfillment of the desire to explore the skills of the human voice in dealing with the most varied repertoire, offered to those who love the beauty of choral singing.
From its beginnings until 1990 the choir was directed by Toni Battistella and from 1990 to 2004 by Diego Tomasi. Since 2006, the Choir is directed by Giorgio Susana, pianist, composer and concert artist. Battistella still works as assistant conductor.
Renato Cais
Claudio Dal Col - Francesco Pol - Giacomo Pol - Lorenzo Bottega
Francesco Pol
Giorgio Susana
Antonio Battistella
Antonello Manzoni - Enrico Fighera - Francesco Pol - Giacomo Pol - Paolo Perin - Paolo Roman - Renzo Donato
Claudio Dal Col - Dario Del Tedesco - Giovanni Sasso - Giovanni Stringher - Luca Barbon - Paolo Buso - Patrizio Faldon
Antonio Battistella - Franco Massaro - Lorenzo Bottega - Renato Cais - Roberto Da Lozzo - Stefano Toffol
Andrea Todeschini - Luca Nardo - Marco Mazzocco - Michele Zambon - Renato Fighera - Riccardo Fighera - Simone Garatti
Music is the language of the spirit. His secret current vibrates between the heart of the one who sings and the soul of the one who listens.
- Kahlil Gibran -
Pianist, Conductor and Composer born in Vittorio Veneto (TV) in 1975. Graduated in Piano, Choral Music, Choir Conducting and graduate in Music Teaching. He has an intense concert activity that allowed him to perform as Pianist, Composer, Choir and Orchestra Conductor in various Italian regions and cities, in Argentina, Taiwan, Austria, Germany, France, Slovenia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Japan and in important concert halls such as the Mozarteum in Salzburg, the Pollinium Auditorium in Padua, the Basilica dei Frari in Venice, the Colon Theater in Buenos Aires, the Tokyo International Forum, Yokohama Minato Mirai Hall, Taipei National Concert Hall, Tokyo Opera City, etc ... It collaborates regularly with artists of national and international fame, chamber groups, choirs and orchestras. He is conductor of the Corocastel of Conegliano, of the SingOverSound Youth Choir of Vittorio Veneto and of the Orchestraforte Youth Orchestra. In recent years he has been conductor of the Choir of the Cathedral of Vittorio V. and of the Marconi of Liceo of Conegliano Orchestra. He is the author of a lot of choral music, chamber music, symphony regularly performed by choruses of national and international fame, chamber groups and orchestras. His composition, perhaps best known, I stay here: goodbye! It is performed by many Italian and foreign choirs, recorded in several albums, award-winning in various international competitions (among the latest the Guido D'Arezzo International 2016) and continues to receive acclaim and appreciation from the public and critics. He has also composed sacred Oratories, Fiabe Musicali, a lyric-modern opera and Musicals staged in important Theaters and Concert Halls. He is often invited as a member of juries in choral competitions, compositions and festivals. He holds seminars and workshops with various choirs. He has won numerous prizes in national and international competitions as a composer and choir conductor. It is published by Feniarco, Asac and Sonitus Edizioni. Giorgio Susana is artistic conductor of the "San Giuseppe" Music School of Vittorio Veneto, since 2015 member of the Regional Art Commission A.S.A.C. and of the Artistic Commission of the Vittorio Veneto National Choir Competition.